Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I heart Faces-Dramatic Black and White

I have four girls. Girls can be very dramatic. I was getting prepared to take a bridal photo shoot and the girls were drawn to the backgrounds and props. This is Savanna in dramatic black and white.

Go check out the other dramatic black and white entires at I heart faces. Click the link below to be taken to their site.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I heart faces-Angles

I took this photo at Explora, a children's hands on learning center. I had to enter it in the Angles I heart faces challenge! There are almost 600 other entries that you can go check out on their site. Click the link below to check it out!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Love, Love, Love!

(A little sample of an engagement session I did a week and a half ago. The future groom was a Marine. I may have told a stupid joke that goes a little like this, "What do you do when you get stuck inside an elephant's stomach?" "Run around till ya get pooped out!" That's what happens when your photographer has small children at home. She tells really lame, toddler age appropriate jokes.)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sisters that bike ride together, stay together.....

One sister learned how to ride her bike without training wheels! We are so proud, Laney. I took some pictures of her learning and thought I would share this one.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I haven't been super busy, but a tad bit busier than normal. I've missed blogging though. It's just that something has to give every once and awhile, right? I can keep my house clean and not blog or blog and have a messy house! Ha! I'll just show you in pictures, what we've been up to lately.

Last week I went with Laney on her school field trip to a Chinese restaurant for Chinese New Year.

Josh made a bunk bed for Olivia and Laney! That's exciting stuff over here. "We" are actually going to build another bunk bed for the other two and just have them all sleep in the same room and the other room will be their play room. Josh still has to stain the bed.

I read this five book series last week. It's a kid series about a boy who is drawn to an underground world with gigantic rats and bugs. It was very good. If only I read my bible as fervently as I read fiction.

I'm learning to sew! Finally fulfilling my new year's resolution from last year. Two lovely and talented sewing mommas from our MOPS group are teaching a sewing class. It's so much fun to learn from and take a class with friends.

I may have become addicted to fabric.

This is the sewing project I'm working on right now. Can you guess what I'm making? When it's all done I'm using them as a prop in my next photo shoot with the girls!

I've also been working on going through all my cabinets and closets and getting rid of stuff we don't need anymore.

I did an engagement shoot for a beautiful couple this weekend. The bride has beautiful red hair! I will post some of those in the next couple of days.

(P.S. Mom, I got a new sewing machine. It was gonna cost a lot of dough to have the other one looked at. Josh told me just to get a new one.)