The month of May really kicked my bottom. (I only say bottom 'cause the other word is not the one we use in our house.) So much happened and when you have small kids it makes small events take so much more energy. You all understand, right?

When I first started blogging I NEEDED to blog. I needed to know I still had some brain cells. I needed to feel like I was speaking and someone without temper tantrums was listening. We've been busy with our first child in school, MOPS, I photographed my first wedding (yay!), and normal life stuff. Blogging became just one more thing on my long list of things to do. I have missed it and will continue to post more.

Lane graduated from Kindergarten! She did so good and I am so amazed at what they learn in a year. The first year you send your first child off to school can be hard on you. We had to adjust to having a separate schedule for one child. I couldn't just volunteer in her class whenever I wanted because I had other small children that I couldn't take with me. She had to ride the bus and I worried if she got to class ok. The year is finally over and we have a few months off to breath. Next year, two kids in school. I can't believe that have gotten this big already!

In May, Josh and I had our 8 year wedding anniversary. Marriage is not boring, that's for sure. And don't let people tell you that you will get tired of waking up to the same face everyday. I love waking up to that man's face every day.

Olivia turned five, and Addy Mae is completely potty trained. So we have just been taking a little time to relax, play with some rolly pollies, and breath.

(Olivia and Addy on a field trip to the Aquarium with Laney's class. This is the same Aquarium that is shown in the movie Crazy Heart. It was filmed in ABQ.)