Monday, July 13, 2009

We're not always clean and shiny.

Meet the ragamuffins.

I believe 80% of our time during the week is spent in disarray.  We stay in our jammies.  I don't brush any body's hair.  The only reason Laney is dressed in this picture is because she knows how to bypass the baby lock on her closet and get herself dressed.  Bless her heart she even tried to put a barrette in her brunette hair.

This was some sort of push-a-sister-in-this-dirty-high-chair-that-nobody-uses-anymore game.

Clearly this child's mother never washes her face after breakfast.

I will very much miss the days when my girls will no longer be my ragamuffins.  They'll want to wear make-up, and do each other's hair.  I love our disarray.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lane's two favorite things.

I somehow found this on the internet.  Laney's two favorite things are Star Wars and Hello Kitty!  This company sells these stickers, but their site is down.  Hopefully, their site will come back, so I can buy these for her for her stocking.  Click here, to go to their site.

The Fourth of July

This fourth of July was the best.  The girls enjoyed themselves.  We invited our neighbors over.  We had a really good time.  I'll just let the pictures tell the story.


The brunettes.  Addy sporting her patriotic paci.

The red heads.


Our patriotic toenails

Baby patriotic toenails


Josh barbecued.

I made a flag cake.

It rained while we ate outside, but have no fear a rainbow appeared!

Addison (Thank you Nana for the girls adorable t-shirts.)

Olivia and Savannah (our neighbors oldest daughter)

Serena (also our neighbors daughter) We really lucked out and have wonderful neighbors.  Thanks guys for sharing the fourth with us!

There's just something about men and fireworks.  I can't explain it, but something inside them ignites!  Do you know what I'm talking about?! 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What on Earth have I been doing for Heaven's sake...

I haven't blogged in a few days and I was trying to remember why I hadn't.  Oh right, now I remember!  My sweet baby Addy has decided she will no longer be the sweet baby, and insists on acting her soon to be age, 2.  My red headed children are another story.  (The above photo is of no relation to this post, but my husband asked my if I put a picture of his father's day gift on my blog.  That what his gift.  He's weird.  And we now have a stinky dead cow head hanging on our house.)

I'm pretty sure the red heads had a secret red headed meeting, where they vowed to never fight with each other again.  Being they have red hair and all, maybe they'd better team up to drive their Mama crazy.  It's working.  They now team up to wreak havoc all over the house and then pretend it wasn't them. 

We have a fridge lock, but it doesn't lock the freezer.  The red heads love ice cream and have been super sneaky, sneaking two pints and one container of Dibs in one week.  Fun Times!!  A couple of red heads duped up on sugar.  They even give their baby sister a bite.  I'm sure I taught them a real good lesson, about me being the boss around here, by taking a picture of their shenanigans.  They look real scared.

Laney has been a peach like always.  I'm just trying to keep her busy, she gets bored.  We've been going to our community pool often.  We also go to the library once a week and get new books.  Laney got an awesome Star Wars book this week.  Today she said, "If I could only read."  Very soon, baby, very soon.

As for me, I've been trying to get up before Josh goes to work, to exercise.  I'm trying to get rid of my child bearing hips.  Addy's almost two and if she's our last one, I don't need my child bearing hips anymore.  And if we do have another one (baby that is), I'm sure my child bearing hips will grow right back.

I went to see "The Proposal" a couple of nights ago with a neighbor friend.  We went after the kids were in bed.  It was a very good movie!  I laughed the entire time.  I think my husband might have enjoyed it also. That's my movie review of the week.  You might not get another one for some time, 'cause I don't get to the movies very often.

Today, Josh and I hired three neighborhood girls to watch our girls while I went through our endless amount of storage bins.  I usually start a big project like that and never finish.  I'm sure you can imagine why.  It was nice to spend time doing stuff like that with my husband.  Kind of like a date, where it's 95 degrees out in the garage and we both stink.  When you have small kids running around, you get what you can take.  The babysitters were awesome.  I'm sure we will do that again, if we need to get something done.
And now after reading four different books and singing four different bed time songs and tucking four little girls into bed, I'm tired.  I'm off to take a bath and paint my toenails.  Maybe even have a piece of chocolate cake.