Today was pumpkin patch day. Really, it doesn't get any cuter than this. She asked me to put her piggy in her overalls.

There is this pumpkin patch down they street that is so awesome. The build it on a corner lot from scratch. It's a fundraiser for a horse ranch that helps kids. They have all sorts of fun free games. This was the ring toss.

Up next, the corn maize. (And more of Addy's cute piggyness.) I so DID NOT go into the maize to get a picture and then realize that I was the parent that was supposed to wait on the outside for the kids to appear. I then DID NOT proceed to get lost in the maize and briefly freak out that the kids were going to make it out first.

The bean bag toss.

They also have free horse back riding, but Addy was too little, so she rode the pretend horsey. It was actually for ropin', but even Daddy couldn't master that one. There was this adorable little boy ropin' everything in sight and I almost took his picture. But then that would be weird and I wouldn't want some other mom taking my kids picture and posting it on their blog. I'm pretty sure his parents were the ones that run the horse ranch.

Maybe she was thinking the same thing that I was. I wish I was
Pioneer Woman and lived on a ranch in the middle of nowhere! Or maybe she was just thinking about how much she wished she was playing that game.

The red heads about to high five on their separate horses.
Wait for it...

There it is!

We did it!

My adventure girl on her horse. She just got back from helping to save a little girl that was lost in the corn maize. Be still my heart.

See? It was actually a little warm today. I was excited about fall adventures and dressed us too warmly.


The girls wanted to carve their pumpkins. We said no. They then wanted to clean the pumpkins with baby wipes. I said yes. They did this with the baby wipes.

This is the pumpkin Savanna picked out of all the pumpkins. I'm pretty sure it was THE smallest pumpkin there.