I had this fabulous idea for a summer book club! After researching some books, I've finally made the book choices and I hope you all like them too. If you've already read them, will you still please join us in the discussion?
We are going to read one book a month and have one meeting a month to discuss the book. If you don't live in my area and want to join along, I will post discussion questions here on my blog and post pictures from our book club meeting and you can give your input in the comments at the end of the post. Now, to introduce the books:
June's Book
The Help. I haven't read it yet, but have heard a lot of good things about it. It's set in the Civil rights era in Jackson, Miss. A young white author and recent college grad returns home to write a book. She decides to write a book, a compilation of stories from the help, the mistreated black women who raise the white children.
The meeting for this book will be on Monday, June 14th, at 7:00 p.m. That gives you 3 and a half weeks to get this book and read it.
I got this book at Costco. This is the most expensive of the three books. I wanted to keep it under $15 a book. I'm sure you could also get this book from the library or buddy up with someone else and share the cost of the books. I will be happy to loan my books out as soon as I'm done reading them. (At the end of the post, I'll talk more about where you can purchase the books.)
July's Book
This is a book I kept eyeing over and over again at Costco. I did a little research and heard some good things. It's a series of letters, back and forth between the author in the story and other people in the Society. It's set in war times. Some say books written in this style can be hard to follow but I've heard this book is well written. It sounds interesting and if you would like to read more reviews, check them out at amazon.
The book club meeting for this book will be on Monday July 12th at 7:00 p.m.
August's book
The Red Tent. This is a book that was recommended to me by two of my book worm friends. Both of them said this was their favorite book of all time. I've wanted to read this for over a year and haven't yet. Some of you may have read this before. I can't wait to read it! Go over to amazon and read the review for this one also.
The meeting for this book will be on Monday, August 9th at 7:00 p.m.
Where to purchase books:
I purchased The Help and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society at Costco. The Red Tent I got at Barnes and Noble for $15. I got all three books for $36.98. However, if you order all three books from www.amazon.com at the same time, you will get free shipping. The cost of the books at amazon are, The Help $13.72, The GLPPPS is $5.99 (paperback), and The Red Tent is $10.20. It's $29.91, if you order from amazon and you'll qualify for free shipping. Not to mention they come right to your front door!
Book club will be at my house. If you want to join, email me or facebook message me and I will send you my address. My email address is (staples underscore michele at yahoo dot com).
I choose 7:00 p.m. to give the moms time to feed their families and get little ones ready for bed. My children will be here, but my husband is going to keep them locked up in the other room to watch a movie. (Not literally locked up.) Kids would never be banned and it would not be a huge deal if you brought them, but you might enjoy yourself more if your children were not in attendance. I need a monthly baby fix, so please bring your squishy babies for me to hold.
Snacks, drinks and coffee will be provided. Book club is open to anyone, if you would like to invite a friend. I just need to know how many people will be coming.
Please, please join me in food, fun and semi-intelligent conversation!
(I had to spell check intelligent.)