Sunday, May 9, 2010

To all the Mother's Who....

These were my gifts from Laney. One she made at school. I am so thankful for a homemade gift that someone else helped her make! The other gift Laney made at home, holed up in the playroom. Scroll down for a close-up.

That would be q-tips and cotton balls wrapped in tampon string. She said they were to put in my purse, in case I need to clean out my ears sometime. She didn't have any rope to tie them up, so she used "those thingies". Don't you just love being a Mom!?


SillyHille said...

Oh. My. Gosh!
The tampon/q-tips are the BEST!
Madigan scribbled on a piece of paper, but I know she has no idea why Brett had her do that! I can't wait until she can do things like that- even if it is a bit obscure!! :D

Stephanie said...

This is so adorable! How sweet is that?

Nona said...

So cute and what a great idea for the string! wink wink!!