My sweet Olivia turned five last month. She is such a girly girl and wanted a tea party.

We set up in the backyard. I used yards of fabric I had for the tablecloths.
We invited our girly friends.
It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. All these little girls knew exactly what to do. They sat and chatted and mixed their tea.

Marvin wore a tie for the special occasion and doubled as the butler. :)
I made these flowers out of napkins and I found the tutorial HERE.
I made these cupcake toppers in Photoshop and had my mini helpers cut them out. I got the cute vintage tea cup graphic on my favorite blog HERE, The Graphics Fairy. If you look closely, the teacups have Olivia's name on them.

I got all of the tea cups and saucers from the Goodwill for 50 cents. That way they had real tea cups and I didn't care if any of them got broken. But I have to say, all these little girls had really good manners. See those little salt shakers? They actually had sugar in them and everyone had their own sugar shaker. By the end of the party, the girls were just eating sugar straight from the shaker! So cute!

I made real crumpets. If you have never made crumpets, they are delicious! Kinda like thicker pancakes. We spread lemon curd and raspberry jelly and then cream on top of that.

Olivia had a great time and enjoyed her friends. Thank you to all her sweet friends that joined us. Happy fifth birthday, Livi!
Oh my gosh--how adorable! Pure delight! And I love how the girls were all dressed up--and even your darling dog--these pics are sure a way to start the week out right--you're so creative!
Cindy Adkins
How fun! Everything looked great! I wish we lived closer to you guys so we could go to things like that! :(
Michelle that was adorable! You are such a great momma!
Oh wow, how adorable!!! The little girls all look so cute, I'm sure they had a wonderful time, it looks like you thought of every detail! Love the photo of your dog with the tie on too! Thanks so much for linking this darling party up to Brag Monday.
I love the tea party, and how cute all the girls were! Your cupcake toppers were adorable!
This was the most priceless little Tea I've ever seen.!
Your photos are wonderful to say nothing of your sweet little guests!!!!!
The cupcakes go without saying, I love that they cut the graphics out thrmselves...
You are a wonderful FUN Mom!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I have 5 girls and one lonely boy--we've had lots of tea parties. Aren't they fun? Your pictures are wonderful and the girls are adorable!
How sweet! Just hopped over from the Graphics Fairy...Love the cupcake toppers!
so sweet - how cute is that dog with the tie!
What a sweet party...love the little girls all dressed up with their dresses and party hats...makes me want to be five again (**sigh**)...have a great week! :)
What a super great party, adorable family and hilarious little Marvin!
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