Sometimes, I complain to my husband that he has no idea what it's like to be a mom with four very small children. He doesn't understand what it's like to discipline our lovely daughters all day long. I then wonder, why doesn't he do things this way or the way I have told him that it works best.

A few weeks back, I started taking pictures of him with the girls for this Father's Day post. While I was taking these, I was reminded how important his fatherly role is and how great he is at it. I told myself to stop complaining and enjoy the father my husband is. I've always known he was an awesome father, but these pictures showed me how different our lives would be without him.

Our girls adore him. I tried to get a picture of the girls flocking to him when he gets home from work, but it didn't turn out. They all run and hug him. They listen for the sound of the garage door opening. If he's had a long day at work, the girls have no idea because he is never short with them. He patiently lets each one of them tell him what has gone on during the day. It's my favorite part of the day.

My husband probably cooks three meals every week. How lucky are my girls to have a Dad that works very hard all day and then comes home to make dinner! He usually has two to three "helpers" that aren't very helpful. (Note the children on the counter.)

For the past couple of weeks, Savanna has been throwing a fit to go to bed. But for some reason, she will fall peacefully asleep in her Daddy's arms while he's watching t.v.. Yes, that means for the past two weeks Savanna has been going to bed in Josh's easy chair! Within minutes, she would pass out. If we put her in her bed she would scream for hours. (This past week she started going back to her own bed without a fight.)

I know God gave these girls to my husband for a very specific reason. He is so perfect for every one of them and he loves them unconditionally. Thank you babe for being such a wonderful Daddy. Our girls and I love you so very much. You deserve a Father's Day everyday of the week! (Except for when I'm way too tired from raising our girls all day. You're just gonna have to settle for homemade dessert every once in a while!)
I'd also like to say Happy Father's Day to all the father's in our life. Dad, I love you. You've taught me so much and I know I'm a better person because God gave me you as a Dad.