Thursday, April 22, 2010


Addy was napping and the other three were supposed to be having quiet time. Instead, they were fighting and I needed them to be quiet so Addy would take a good nap. I warned them that if they didn't watch their movie and continued to fight, I would make them all take a nap. Of course they continued to fight. I turned the movie off. Made them all close their eyes and get under the covers. I got up to check on them and Savanna was asleep (or so I thought) and the other two were still wiggling. I proceeded to tell them to stop wiggling and go to sleep. Savanna, who is still asleep (or so I thought) says, "I asleep Mama!" She's a really good faker! I had to laugh and everyone else laughed and they did not take a nap that day.

1 comment:

MDRY said...

that is the best picture! what fun they must be!