My baby turned three this week. I am mourning the loss of not having a two year old. Seriously. My baby will never be two again. She didn't want to hold my hand on her birthday. She changed her clothes three times on her birthday. My baby is big girl.

Pink gel food coloring is a staple at our house of four girls. (Staple, get it?) The birthday girl gets to request what she wants for her birthday breakfast. It's usually pink pancakes.

All in all, I think she had a really good day. She rode the carousel at the mall. Opened presents. She even took a birthday nap.

Instead of cupcakes I made these ice cream cone cake pops. Courtesy of Bakerella. If you've never heard of Bakerella, you must go to her blog and learn how to make all sorts of fun treats.
Click here for her tutorial on these. Hers are WAY better than mine. Don't judge.

They look cute and actually tasted good too!

The chocolate ones with chocolate coating were REALLY good.

Now both of my youngest are both three for a few weeks. Until Vannies turns 4.