Today, Josh and I have been married for seven years. It has gone by so fast. Probably because we got pregnant with Laney a couple of months before our one year anniversary and then proceeded to have three more children close in age after that. I love being married to this man. Of course our marriage is not always perfect. Sometimes we disagree. Sometimes we drive each other crazy. Sometimes the stress of having four small kids gets to us. But we go through it all together. When we have an issue with something, we talk to each other first. We make a point to be excited to see each other at the end of the day. And sometimes I don't look so hot at the end of the day taking care of four kids at home. If I'm mad a my husband, I make sure to talk to him about it before we go to bed. That way, my madness doesn't continue on into the next day and then get worse.

Reasons why I love my husband: 1. He respects our marriage and our family. We are his number one. 2. He goes to work everyday and works very hard so we can have a good family life at home. 3. He's a wonderful father. The girls are just as head over heels as I am about him. 4. He has loved me and made me feel beautiful while I was pregnant and huge for
4 and a half years. 5. When he comes home and I am in a bad mood because I have had a long day with the kids, he gives me and hug and a kiss and lets me know that he understands. 6. He's so handsome sometimes I can't control myself! There's more, but I have a lot to do today!

When I was younger, my parents always told me to pray for my future husband and let God know what I wanted in a husband. This is what I prayed for. Dark and handsome, loves kids, and loves me. Not very deep, but I was like 16 and at 16 those are the only things that are important. But God answered my prayers, had bigger plans for me than I could of expected and I am so blessed. I love you babe with all my heart. You make my dreams come true, and I don't ever want to be without you. Thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for having the four most beautiful girls with me. I can't wait for the next seven years.
Happy Anniversary to you! Hope that you get a chance to celebrate!
Babe, I love you with all my heart and I love the life we have built together. You are the best wife and mother to our girls. I look forward to the next 50,60,70 years together. I love you.
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy it!!
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