Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Since I have used up my, "I'm pregnant again!" joke for April fools day.  I'll just post a fun picture.


Happy McNally Mom said...

This is funny.

threeblacklabs said...

I, too, was thinking of that joke but know he would surely not fall for that one. Love the picture and what a big girl she is for using the potty!

SillyHille said...

How funny!
I thought about the pregnancy trick, but my husband has made me promise to never lie to him regarding his future offspring...
As far as your question- yes, I DO have an itching for another! I feel crazy for even saying that, but I think we'll be waiting until she's at least one before we cross that bridge. After seeing all your cute kiddos, it makes me think that having them closer together is the way to go!!!

Sarah said...

Yea for going potty!

I came across your blog and I'm so glad I did. I have four girls as well! Oldest six, youngest 3 mos, and the two in the middle ARE twins that are 18 mos.

Your girls are so beautiful. I'm sure you are a fantastic "girl mommy" :)