It started snowing yesterday morning, but it didn't really stick until the sun started to go down. Last night the girls got all bundled up and played in the snow. It takes forever for me to get all their snow gear on. It was worth it. They had a good time. Then they came in for some hot chocolate. I have to say, I make some mean hot chocolate. When they woke up this morning and the snow was still there, I decided what better time for a snow and christmas dress photo shoot. They are always begging to wear their dresses. By the time I got them all dressed the snow was starting to melt. But I got some fun ones that I will treasure forever.

I covered her black eye with make-up, but you can still kind of see it. Livi you are Mommy's stinker but you melt my heart.
This girl is getting so big. The toddler is completely gone and my big girl is here. Laney you are so beautiful.

This one is so much like Josh. It takes a really long time to get a picture of her where she isn't frowning or has her head down. I had to bribe her with lots and lots of candy.

Addy, your are the baby and you know it. I love how sweet you are to me, and am holding on to your babyness.

I wish I could have had this for the christmas card. This was before the candy bribes.

Their candy bribe had fallen into the snow and they were searching for it.

Everytime I get done taking their pictures, I'm in awe of how beautiful they are. And how blessed we are to have happy and healthy children.
I love those girls so much. Awesome pictures. I can't wait to give them all a hug in just a few more days.
Oh Michele, you have some gorgeous girls. Those are some great pictures. You captured the moments perfect (happy faces or not). They all seem so sweet. Laney looks like a little Mommy kissing Olivia.
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